Can't Login to Administrator Portal

There are a number of things that can prevent a PowerSchool user from accessing the Administrator Portal:

  1. The user's State UID number MUST be entered into the StatePrid field in PowerSchool for a user to login (this is true for all LEA users - teachers, students and administrators)
  2. Check to make sure the user does not have TWO (or more) Admin records/accounts in PowerSchool.  If more than one exists, they must be deleted, and the remaining account must satisfy item #1 above.
  3. There must be BOTH a username and password in the PowerSchool security screen for the user. It can be anything (doesn't have to match the IAM Service username and password), but neither can be blank.
  4. If a user is both a TEACHER and an ADMINISTRATOR in PowerSchool, both accounts must have something in the username and password fields, and both checkboxes to allow access must be checked.
  5. In some cases (reported by users and testing by the HBSC), if a user is ONLY an Administrator, but has a Teacher account, then the username and password fields in BOTH must have something in them, however, the Teacher account access checkbox would remain unchecked.
  6. If the reverse of #5 is true, then the opposite records should be configured as described in #5.

(More information will be provided on this page as we get more input from users, Pearson and the HBSC).