Seamless Login

A new feature called Seamless Login is now available for PSUs utilizing Classlink as their local portal / identity provider.

With Seamless Login, PSUs can publish selected NCEdCloud integrated applications such as PowerSchool, Schoolnet, Canvas, and Amplify, in their local Classlink portals. Behind the scenes, Classlink will communicate with NCEdCloud to authenticate users and pass them to the requested application. This allows end-users to essentially skip NCEdCloud completely for a “seamless login” to Home Base applications from Classlink.

PSUs may alternatively choose to simply place an NCEdCloud icon in their local Classlink portal, to ensure users can always access all available applications in the NCEdCloud IAM Service for their PSU.

To request configuration of Seamless Login for your PSU, an NCEdCloud LEA Administrator should fill out and submit the Request form linked in the block to the right.

Note: Clever users may currently take advantage of adding a "Clever" icon to their PSU's applications in the NCEdCloud IAM Service, by submitting a Target Applications Request.

Seamless Login Request

PSUs that wish to have Seamless Login configured for their users should fill out a Seamless Login Request web form.  Note, only LEA Administrators can submit request forms.