Other Helpful Information
Since many Charter Schools use a management company to assist with HR, payroll, or student system support, there is a Charter School Employee Source Data page that has additional information on employee data requirements.
How do I manage Student Passwords?
Students in the NCEdCloud are provided with default passwords when their accounts are created in the NCEdCloud initially. These default passwords can be seen by selecting the People view from the dropdown menu (where Applications is displayed), and then clicking on the Manage LEA Students tab for LEA Administrators or help desk staff), and/or the My Students tab for teachers who have students enrolled in their classes. Teachers or staff with the above roles can also change or reset their students' passwords (see the "Teachers" page).
How do I opt-in to using "badges" for my PK-5 students?
Charter School employees with the LEA Administrator role can submit a request to opt-in to using Badges for logins, for younger students. More information can be found under "Student Badges..." under the Opt-In Features menu item along the top of any page. Also, the PK-5 Alternate Login Setup/Management Documentation may be of use.