PSUs can now opt-in to use an Alias ID for their username in the NCEdCloud IAM Service (in addition to their state UID), to log into their accounts. The password will remain unchanged and will work for either username value. Alias ID can be set up for Staff, Students, or Both. LEA Administrators can access the Opt-In request form to the right.
Email Address
PSUs can choose Alias IDs to be their users' email address, as maintained in the IAM Service. If using email address, PSUs don't need to do anything special other than making sure all of their users have an email address listed in the NCEdCloud portal. Users without an email address in the NCEdCloud won't be able to take advantage of Alias ID, however, they can still login with their UID. The email address option for Alias ID is the easiest to implement, taking a week or two to complete.
Local ID File
If you choose to use a Local Account username for your Alias ID, this requires you to upload a nightly file to NCDPI with your users' account names/usernames and the UID to match their accounts in the NCEdCloud. Since local user account names are not inherently unique across the state, like email address, they must include a PSU component to make them unique. For example a username of jsmith could have a PSU abbriviation added to the name - jsmith.psu - or they can be fully "scoped" with the PSU's domain -, similar to an email.
The use of a Local ID may require a meeting between the PSU, DPI, and the vendor, to discuss file and record requirements and formatting details. It also takes a bit longer to implement as eMFTS folders must be setup and the file must be tested, prior to moving it to production. PSUs selecting this option can expect it to take 2-3 weeks before Alias IDs can be populated in the NCEdCloud.
Local ID User Record Data Elements:
- Alias ID value (scoped to be unique across the state)
- LEA Code (3-digit)
- Population Type ("Staff", "Student", or "Both")
- "Date" (of record/file creation)