How does my PSU add Grades 5/6 to the Amplify icon

NC DPI purchased the Amplify application for grades K-3 and automatically shows the icon for students in those grade levels.  It also displays the icon for students in grade 4 to allow testing of students designated as "reading retained".  How can I get it to display for older students if our PSU has purchased Amplify for them (Grades 5 and 6)?

If your PSU has purchased ADDITIONAL Amplify coverage for students in grades 5-6, you can Submit the Amplify Request Form to add the icon to your PSU for Grades 5 and/or 6.  Once enabled, the icon will be presented to ALL students in the grades selected, as we cannot currently manage school-level icons for the entire state.  Note: This form must be filled out and submitted by a PSU staff member with the "LEA Administrator role" in the NCEdCloud.

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