Why is an employee's email wrong or missing in the NCEdCloud IAM Service?

Employee email address is obtained by searching data files from 2 or 3 source systems, in a specific/priority order. The process starts by checking PowerSchool, then LINQ HR (if used by the LEA), and lastly HRMS. The process stops the first time it finds an email populated for the user.  If HR updates HRMS and the employee has a new record added to the PSU's PowerSchool instance, there may be a mismatch between the two - however, the email in PowerSchool is the one that will appear in the NCEdCloud data.

In addition, a CRITICAL requirement for passing an employee's email address to the IAM Service is that the user's "school identifier" in the source data (3-digits identifying the school, or 6-digits with the LEA code + the school code), must match the "schoolID" in the UID system In PowerSchool this is the "homeschool" field, in LINQ HR it is the LINQ schoolID, and in HRMS it is the HRMS schoolID field.  In each scenario, the school identifier found in PowerSchool, LINQ HR, or HRMS, MUST match the schoolID in the user's active UID record.  If the user is listed in PowerSchool with an email address and the correct homeschool code (e.g. 123), but is listed in UID with the System Office code (000), then the records won't match and the email for that user will NOT be populated in the IAM Service.  This would be a reason why an employee is missing email in the NCEdCloud IAM Service.

When troubleshooting why a staff member's email is not populated in the NCEdCloud IAM Service, make sure to confirm that the school code is carried in the fields mentioned above and has the SAME value as the schoolID in the UID system.

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