Privileged Roles

How can "Privileged Roles" in the IAM Service be revoked for an employee?


Privileged Roles (e.g. LEA Administrator, LEA Data Auditor, LEA Help Desk, LEA Student Help Desk, School Help Desk, and/or School Student Help Desk) can be revoked in either of two ways:

1. The user with the elevated privilege can self-revoke a role by using the same workflow process they used to originally request the role.

For example, after logging into the IAM Service:

What roles with elevated privileges can an employee Request?

Using the Request process, employees are able to request the LEA Administrator, LEA Data Auditor, LEA Help Desk, LEA Student Help Desk, School Help Desk, or School Student Help Desk roles. Employees needing one of these roles should choose the Request view from the dropdown at the top of the page (where "Applications" is usually displayed), and request the appropriate role.

The LEA Administrator for the PSU determines whether of not to Grant or Deny the request, and may follow up with the employee to determine their need.