User Passwords and Expiration

Who can change user passwords?

Student passwords can be changed or reset by the student, their teachers, and by anyone with an LEA Administrator, Help Desk, or Student Help Desk role. (See the Teachers page for how to change passwords within the My Students view).

Employee passwords can be changed or reset by the employee, or anyone with the LEA Administrator or Help Desk role.  Staff with a Student Help Desk role do not have access to staff accounts.

Are students forced to change their passwords?

At this time, students are not required to change their passwords, however, it is a good practice to request they change their passwords at least yearly.  Additionally, LEA Administrators have the ability to regenerate the DEFAULT passwords of students for their entire PSU, by School (Campus Code), or by Grade (for the entire PSU or within a School).  See the Regeneration of Student Default Passwords page.

What are the password requirements (characters required/excluded)?

  • Passwords shall be at a minimum 8 characters in length and no longer than 16 characters.
  • Passwords shall be comprised of at least one of each of the following:
    • Upper case letters
    • Lower case letters
    • Numbers
  • Passwords shall not contain the username alias (the portion of the user’s email address before  
  • Username, first name, last name, spaces cannot be used within the password
  • Passwords shall not begin or end with ! (an exclamation point)